
Cleaning of air outlet of central air conditioner

Bringing more green lighting to your urban and rural areas, heading for the brighter future.

After installing the central air-conditioning vent, does the home feel that it is not necessary to clean it? In fact, it is a wrong concept. Its life span is related to our cleaning!

1. Formulate the construction plan: formulate the construction plan and work schedule according to the site conditions and customer requirements;

2. Air outlet cleaning: In strict accordance with the "Air Conditioning and Ventilation System Cleaning Specifications" and related standards, various technical means are used to clean the pollutants in the air conditioning system.

The specific measures are as follows:

3. Algae killing: by adding agents to the circulatory system, various bacteria and algae in the water are circulated.

4. Sludge stripping: Add stripping agent to peel off the biological sludge in the pipeline, and clean the sludge through circulation.

5. Chemical cleaning: adding chemical cleaning agents and dispersing agents to clean the rust, dirt and oil in the pipeline system, disperse and discharge them, and restore them to a clean metal surface.

6. Disinfection of the air outlet: after the dirt, use special air-conditioning disinfectant and deodorizing products to purify and disinfect the entire air duct;

7. Clean up the site: After the completion of the project, collect all the rubbish left by the project to ensure that it will not affect the daily work;

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